Tuning via e-mail which is our most popular option for tuning. The customer must have a Cobb Accessport before any tune can be completed.
Please select the appropriate tune from the drop down menu. If you add the e85 tune, you will receive a full 91/93 tune, as well as the e85 tune. Once the tune has been purchased, you will receive a confirmation email. Please respond to that with the following info. Year/model of car, accessport serial number, full mod list, octane fuel you are using, elevation that you are running at, power goals, and also mention any concerns or questions you may have.
Base map files are typically sent out within 2-3 business days after email is received
How Does e-tuning work-
eTuning is the process of creating a custom calibration (custom tune) for your specific vehicle based on vehicle datalogs that are taken with your programmer. The process is very simple for you. Once we have your vehicle and mod info, you will receive a custom base map that is specific to your vehicle and mods. With each calibration that is sent you will also get some basic instructions on a few datalogs that need to be taken with each calibration file. This process should be fun, so enjoy the tuning process! Don't stress out if the datalogs aren't perfect.
Once we see the datalogs, we will analyze the data provided by the PCM (powertrain control module) and the advanced sensors that are on the vehicle. With this data we can see exactly what the vehicle is doing and how it is performing and start making the necessary changes to dial in the car. Once the next calibration is ready, you will receive an email with the analysis, and a new map to flash the PCM with and some new instructions on datalogs that are needed. Then we rinse and repeat until the car is completely dialed in!
*Note- Accessport not included*
*Note- to run e85 you will need supporting fuel system mods*
*Aftermarket Wideband o2 sensor needed on pre 2015 WRX models and all STi models
* Maf must be used for email tuning